Now normally I'd be taken aback by a comment like that. I'd be thinking of looney guys forming militias in the backwoods of Michigan hoarding assault rifles, canned goods and other survivalist gear, hiding from the Federal government's 'black helicopters'. Apparently these helicopter dodging folks may be onto something...
Apparently President Bush has formed a government activity called the Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America or SPP for short (www.spp.gov) after a summit with the Canadian PM and Presidente Fox from that country down south of the razorwire.
Coincidentally this summit was in Waco (aka Wacko), TX.
At this summit they apparently decided, without much fanfare, to use the newfound cooperation ushered in by Clinton and NAFTA and kick it up a notch. Now in addition to trade, we are going to coordinate border security, immigration flows, and other areas. This is eerily similar to moves Europeans were making after the formation of the European Coal & Steel Community (which led to the European Community/Common Market, and eventually the European Union.) Call me a naysayer, call me Chiken Little ("the sky is falling") call me paranoid... but as long as you never call me Mexican or Canadian I'll be happy.
Goodbye USA, Canada, & Mexico... Hello USANADICO!!!
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