This was the penultimate signal Admiral Lord Nelson sent to the Fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar. Britain should take this message to heart in light of the current stand-off with Iran (the illegal detention of 15 Royal Sailors and Marines). Their course of action should be inspired by Nelson's final message to the Fleet as they engaged the combined French & Spanish fleet - "Engage the enemy more closely."
It should be well noted that the US Navy inherited much of their traditions, nomenclature, heraldry, symbolism and inspiration from the British Navy. While we all hope for the safe return of the captured Royal Sailors and Marines, let us also not lose sight of the greater duty - to destroy the enemy, and to conduct our selves in such a manner, and do what is necessary to secure that end.
Security will not come to the Gulf until the Iranian fleet has been destroyed. Operation Praying Mantis was only the begining.
1 comment:
I have written a book about the U.S. military in the Persian Gulf during the years 1987-1988. It includes all of the events from Stark to Vincennes. The title is "Inside the Danger Zone." Check it out.
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