I love "Richard Arlington", he's like the voice of the Soviet propaganda ministry. It makes me reminisce fondly of the Cold War, how I do miss those days...
Moscow Welcomes News on Missile Shield, Sees No Concessions in Return
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6 hours ago
Daniel Noronha wrote:
Of course the silly Polish have no reason to fear the Russians. When did Russia ever even THINK about invading them? WHAT 60-year anniversary?
This administration continues to placate its enemies (Venezuela, Russia, Iran, N. Korea) and ignore its historical allies (UK, Canada, Mexico, Georgia). For what? Why should young people choose military service to their country if it continues to act like this? At this rate my two younger brothers will get killed fighting our allies.
2 hours ago
Diana Castillo replied:
Add Honduras to one of its historical allies.
5 hours ago
Big diplomatic victory for the Obama team. Congrats, guys.
5 hours ago
harold miller replied:
but the thing is, you wrote that so dry! I am rolling on the floor laughing anyway
3 hours ago
edward rentel replied:
If you're not being facetious, I'm sad to inform you that you're a senseless moonbat.
47 minutes ago
Of course I'm being facetious.
5 hours ago
Brian Harding wrote:
Daniel, I guess the logic is that what ever Bush did must be wrong so we'll just do the opposite. This guy might be more damaging internationally than domestically. Now that's a scary thought. And don't forget this comes on the heels of Russia's invasion of Georgia on a weak pretext.
I thought the policies of this President would be largely one of appeasement to our enemies and so far that's been the case. Unless he has gotten some back channel guarantees (such as less support and arms sales for Chavez?) this is a really short sighted move that will not improve our relations with Russia. Even if he did extract promises, the private promises of a Putin or a Medvedev are worthless IMO.
5 hours ago
harold miller wrote:
Its going to take American leaders 20 leaders 10 years to solve the problems that Obama is creating when he leaves office. A nuclear Iran, a strengthened north korea, Pakistan and Afganistan full of new Al-qaeda bases, moved the Palestinians further away from being interested im a peace treaty then ever, lowered collaboration from Europe, an empowered Libya,loads of terrorists from former-Guantanamo running around previously friendly countries, a strong Russia that can raid into its neighbouring countries at will to assist its home economics (i.e. Georgia) with no sanction. I just hope the situation can be recovered after he has gone so our children don't have to pay for this with something terrible!
4 hours ago
Brian Harding replied:
I agree Harold.
But to be fair, a lot of the blame should also be laid at the feet of the Western European leaders as well. Bush was never the problem internationally. At least that much should become clear to people over time. Our feckless "allies" who refuse to oppose any of the ruthless regimes like Iran and North Korea with anything beyond empty threats and endless negotiations, which only manage to "buy time" for them till the next toothless leader is elected, are going to look very foolish when historians review this era.
So now appeasement becomes the policy of desperation by a President who attempts to blame the previous President rather than the rest of the players involved.
3 hours ago
harold miller replied:
That is one thing that a poor left-wing leader in the US proves, that all the propaganda nonsense about the last right-wing encumbant was a load of rubbish. However I hope that most people can know this without it having to be shown to them.
As for the Western European leaders. Its all about money and predudice. Believe me that the USA remains the main partner of the europeans not due to democracy, but due to its trade power, which is still the dominant in the world. For example, the europeans would turn to the chinese in a second, and shun the americans, if they ever truely succeeded economically themselves (rather then just being an assembly factory, albeit a profitable one, for the rest of the world).
We do need to build a more moral world. But the way to do it is to first abolish, or walk awaym, from the UN, and create a body which you can only be a member of with certain democratic and human rights criteria, not too harsh, but we can be sure that India, USA, UK, Turkey, etc. will be included. We can be sure that China, Saudi, etc. will be excluded. They we chuck in some major economic benefits into membership of the new organisation and at last we have a money incentive to be a better person.
Well, i can only hope !!!
3 hours ago
Your idiotic mind always produced garbage. No medicine will help your degenerative brain. No wonder you spoiling everything around you with evils.
3 hours ago
You are an evil-minded creature. I hope you will die first with your intentions to harm innocent people around the world!
Shame on you!
4 hours ago
The real winner in this egregious decision is Iran and all terrorists wherever they're located. Russia is, and has been from the beginning, a secondary (or perhaps lower) player in this strategic play but in typical fashion, made a great deal of noise and muscle-flexing. Poland and their surrounding countries are strategically located but are generally friendly and supportive to the Western world. They have proven that before but they also have been betrayed before-3 times in the 20th century. The ability to destroy nuclear missiles from Iran specifically (and those from numerous other locations) clearly was a capability that Obama did not want the non-terrorist countries to have. There's no bottom to this guy.
2 hours ago
Your arrogance toward Russia as "secondary" power just indicates your brain's degeneracy. However, Russian people hold down their temper with such infidels and slanderers like you are. Russians are really noble people, while you are nothing more then a rat under the floor of Russian farm house.
2 hours ago
Brian Harding replied:
I guess "noble" in Russian means that you respond to comments by name calling, insulting, and slandering everyone? Your personality, as betrayed by your moronic insults, is exactly what I would expect of an arrogant bullying Russian. C'mon, this is Vladimir himself, isn't it? Nice to meet you comrade.
2 hours ago
Rashied Rushing replied:
Richard, Russia is a second rate power and that does not speak to the Russian people but their corrupt leadership. The Russian people are a good people, I know and work with a few, but that does not change the fact that the country, mainly due to its current leadership wanting to reestablish the Soviet Empire, is second rate.
4 hours ago
Chris Bolts wrote:
"While cautioning that Moscow had yet to be informed formally of the decision, Mr. Rogozin repeated previous Russian statements that Moscow does not see abandonment of the U.S. plans as a concession to respond to, but as "a mistake that is now being corrected." "
Yep, glad that Obama set America back while advancing Russia's interests.
2 hours ago
1 hour ago
Chris Bolts replied:
4 hours ago
Eric Kjellen wrote:
"Russia on Thursday welcomed the news that the U.S. administration will drop plans to deploy a nuclear missile defense shield in Europe, but said it saw no reason to offer concessions in return." That basically says it all.
3 hours ago
Mr. Brian Harding:
As you was stupid, you remains to be as such: Russia did not invaded Georgia but returned offensive for offensive against their peace keeping forces in Norhtern Ossetia and punished criminal Georgian military government with idiotic Saakashvili. Russians should destroy the capital Tbilisi with advanced bombardment and liquidate Saakashvili government once and for all. Russians were very soft on such criminal Georgian government and all country of Georgia. Too much mercy for the Georgian aggressors. Nevertheless, Russians defended poor Northern Ossetians and Abkhazians from nasty and arrogant Georgians. Now world have two new countries - Republic Northern Ossetia and Republic Abkhazia.
Important to remember: each time new country formed with Republican form of government, each time humanity celebrates the LIBERATION of slaves from slaveholders.
Viva Republic of Abkhazia! Viva Republic of Northern Ossetia!
3 hours ago
Brian Harding replied:
I won't respond in kind to your personal insults, comrade. Your lack of command of the English language does that for me. No one with access to the truth via the free press is buying into your propaganda.
One question. Is this coming directly from the Russian Embassy?
Viva Freedom!
?????? ????!
2 hours ago
Appeasers always think their appeasment will bring something good from the appeased. Neville Chamberlain found out that wasn't the case, and the harsh triumphant Russan response shows that Neville Obama is just as naive and can expect no better results. Our adversaries are gleeful, our allies are betrayed, Iran is racing to get a nuclear arsenal, Hugo Chavez is buddy buddy with the Iranians, and we have no defense and no planned defense. We are in the time of the Gathering Storm!!!!
26 minutes ago
Mr. Brian Harding,
Don't expect honey-talks when you insulting Russia and its noble people. You should expect hit back directly between your eyes or between your legs under your belly. However, your brain is just too small to expect such reaction on your slanders toward innocent Russians.
Russia stand in its SUPREME GLORY for starting its revolt against tyranny of MONARCHIST powers and colonialism, against world's slavery, against injustice on the global scale.
Nobody, absolutely no people of any country in the world has had the courage to start the WORLD'S LIBERATION from slavery but Russia.
Therefore, why don't you just SHOT UP and start to think how to appreciate the MONUMENTAL accomplishments of Glorious Russia? It would be spark of intelligence in you brain, instead of smog in it.
About Me
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Final Straw
In scrapping the missile defense shield (http://blogs.wsj.com/iainmartin/2009/09/17/cold-war-lessons-lost-on-obama/) I must conclude that my previous fears are correct, Democrats cannot be trusted with the reins of foreign policy.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Enjoying some nerds today at work. Tangy and sweet! They also allow me some precious distraction as I separate them out into groups by color/flavor! Oh, the excitement!
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